ePRO Notifications

ePRO Notifications

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The ePRO Notifications screen is used to define the generic message which will be delivered to Participants in the study anytime when an ePRO form is deployed - which is based on the frequency and visit intervals as explained in the ePRO Configuration.

By default, notifications will always be sent to participants when forms come due. If there is no need for specific forms, they can be turned off via the form properties.

Event Triggered eDiaries are the only type where notifications cannot be disabled.

ePRO Notification configuration is accessible from the Study menu on the web, or the study configuration menu on the mobile app. This is where the notification message itself is configured along with reminder frequency, but does not directly drive whether or not notifications are sent.

Use the built in text editor to design the message that Particpants receive as forms become due for completion. The editor also supports style tags in HTML. See the code template below as a good example.



Setting a frequency of zero will equate to hourly notifications to the participant.

If only an initial notice is needed with no follow up reminders for a given form deployment, the value for the frequency can be set to an arbitrary high value like 500.


HTML example for ePRO notification message:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <style> a:link, a:visited { background-color: #f44336; color: white; padding: 14px 25px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; } </style> <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; color: blue; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">This is a friendly Reminder for a form due on STUDYNAME Study </span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; color: blue; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Please access TrialKit on the web or mobile app to complete your form: </span></p> <p><a href="https://participant.trialkit.com/" target="_blank">Open TrialKit</a></p> <p style="font-size: 14px; margin: 0in"><span style="color: blue; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt">If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to one of the study coordinators at:<br> </span> <span style="color: blue"><a target="_blank"><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt">support@sponsor.com </span></a> <br> <a target="_blank" value=" 12123420520"><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt">888-888-8888</span></a><span style="font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt">.</span></span></p> <p style="font-size: 13.3333px; margin: 0in"><span style="color: blue; font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt"><br /> </span></p> <p style="font-size: 13.3333px; margin: 0in"></p>

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