Batch Importing Choices Into Choice Fields

Batch Importing Choices Into Choice Fields

The mobile app form builder is required for this function.

Create an Excel file with two columns:

  1. Choice Text - Text of the choices you want to import.

  2. Coded Value - Has the value of the choice in the column

Your CSV import file will look similar to this (no headers are needed):

Choice 1


Choice 2


Choice 3


The file must be saved using the .csv file extension and placed in the TrialKit folder within your iCloud Drive (see below).

If you uploaded the file to your iCloud drive from another device other than the one you are using, you will need to download it locally.

Usually, you will see the download icon on the file when looking at your iCloud>TrialKit folder.

The file will look like this below if the file needs to be downloaded locally.  Notice where the red arrow is pointing.


Tapping the import button below will bring a list of CSV files available to upload from your iCloud>TrialKit Folder.  Select the choices file you are importing and tap the import file button.

The Combine switch allows you to:

  • When OFF will create a brand new list from your imported file

  • When ON will append your choices to the existing list of choices already set for the field.

Because choice values must be unique, when importing choices, if a value already exists in the choice list that matches the choice list that is being imported, the next available value will be used to assure uniqueness among values.

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