Medical Coding Algorithm

Medical Coding Algorithm

TrialKit Coder's algorithm for auto-coding determines what gets coded and how it gets coded. Understanding the routine it follows is important knowledge prior to using the auto-code tool.

When running the autocoder, the following occurs:

  1. The system looks for any terms with synonyms contained in the local Central or Project-specific synonym dictionary. If it finds matches, those terms get coded based on what is defined in each synonym.

  2. All un-coded or previously-auto-coded terms remaining are run against the applicable dictionary to find a match. If any terms have been previously manually coded, those are not changed.

For TrialKit integrated coding, records that have been review locked in EDC are still open to be coded since the coding variables exist outside of the form data. Review locks will not be broken, but audit trails on records may indicate coding activities after lock activities.


  • Records that have been manually coded are ignored

  • If a change is made to a term within TrialKit EDC, the term will contain a red strikethrough within the Coder interface, but previously coded data will be retained. The autocoder will only update the code if the term was not previously manually coded.

Auto-coding only codes 100% matches by default. To include similarity matching (80% weighted match), there is an option prior to running coding (as shown below).


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