Customized Landing Pages - Build Web Page

Customized Landing Pages - Build Web Page

Build Customized Landing Pages

TrialKit allows the Study Designer to customize specific pages (listed below) which all users of the study can access. These pages can be created using the Build Web Page option on the web under the Website Host menu or the Study menu.

Customized pages can only be created if a theme has been loaded. Read more about customized themes.

Customized landing pages are the standard pages that all users see in the system. They are pages that offer only static content; however, that content can be totally customized by the Website Host or Study Designer. There are four study/host landing pages in the system.

  • Index – This is a public URL which any user can see if they have previously signed into the study. It gets cached in the user’s browser after signing into a study.

This page now redirects the user to the sign in page, so will not display to users.

  • Home – This is the home page. Users signing in to your site will land on this page when they have successfully entered their e-mail and password. They also land on this page when the Home button is clicked in the Page Header area.

  • Sign Out – When a user clicks the Sign Out link in the Page Header area, they land on this page. They also land on this page when their session has expired. Sample below:

  • Contact Us – When a user clicks the Contact Us link in the Account Menu, they will be brought to this page. This page should supply all necessary contact information for the user in case they need to contact you, the Website Host, or the Study Designer. Read more here about the Contact Us page.


To customize a page (applicable on the Web Only):

Select the web page builder at either the host or study level. The study level is the most common. Doing it at the host level will apply to all studies on that host unless a custom page exists at the study level.

In summary: Custom pages at the study level take priority over custom pages at the host level


Creating Web Pages

First Identify the type of landing page to create (Home, Contact Us, Sign Out) by selecting a Page Type (#2) and giving it a name (#1). The corresponding theme must also be selected (#3).

Add Content in the editor window (#5) via rich text or html (see #4 below to toggle between views).

After adding content, save the Web Page by clicking the Save Page button at the top. It will get added to the table.

The basic process for editing an existing web page is as follows:

Identify the web page to edit and click the corresponding Edit link in the Existing Web Pages table. Make all desired changes in the Web Page Designer.

Don't forget to hit the SAVE PAGE button

Web Page Designer

One very handy tool is the ability to create web pages graphically or type the HTML directly in the editor. Typing the HTML directly in the editor allows you to tap into your customized themes and use the text color. For example, the following Header tags use the main theme text color.

  • <h1>This is a big header that uses the theme color</h1>

  • <h2> This is a smaller header that uses the theme color</h2>

  • <h3> This is a smaller header that uses the theme color</h3>

These tags are only available in the HTML Editor.

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