Graphical Chart Building

Graphical Chart Building

TrialKit has the ability to create multiple types of graphical charts to represent the data collected in real-time following the steps outlined below.

  1. Build and execute an ad hoc report in the Report Builder for desired fields to chart

    1. Select desired fields to chart in “Fields to Include in Report” along with “Fields to Include In Filter” for any desired data filtering (including only displaying data for patients of a certain gender type, BMI, or any desired condition). In this example, we will be producing boxplot charts of procedure tourniquet time data versus procedure laterality. To save executed report data as a source for creating graphical charts, input the desired name, and click “Add Report”. A green message stating “Chart Source Added” will be displayed when the save is complete.


  1. Select “Chart Configuration List” from the Reports dropdown menu and create the desired chart configuration

  2. Input the name for the chart (“1” in the image below) and select the source report previously created from the “Chart Source Report” list (“2” in the image below). Click “Add New Configuration” (“3” in the image below) to create a blank chart configuration file.


  1. Click “Setup” in the configuration screen to create the chart. Select the desired chart type from the list (“1” in the image below) and click “Use 3D chart”, “Group By Count”, and “Use Custom Titles” if chart customization is desired (“2” in the image below). Create axis titles as applicable (“3” in the image below), select appropriate X and Y axis data sources from chart source report data (“4” in the image below), then “View Graph” (“5” in the image below) to preview chart that will be created from the specified selections. Also, note that an “Included Forms In Chart Source” legend (“6” in the image below) is provided along the right column for reference as needed.


2. When satisfied with the chart, select “Save Graph Configuration”(“7” in image above). The generated chart (“1” in the image below) can be added to a database merge report following instructions provided here or copy/pasted directly into external applications as needed.

Chart Types:

  • Pie Chart

    • Use 3D Chart - displays data on a third, depth axis, such as a 3-D column, 3-D line, or 3-D surface chart to make it easier to understand.

    • Group by Count - The Group by Count clause will gather all of the rows together. 

    • Outside Label - Set own label for the chart.

    • Exploded - It shows the components of an object slightly separated by distance, or suspended in surrounding space in the case of a three-dimensional exploded diagram.

  • Bar Graph

    • Use 3D Chart - displays data on a third, depth axis, such as a 3-D column, 3-D line, or 3-D surface chart to make it easier to understand.

    • Group by Count - The Group by Count clause will gather all of the rows together. 

  • Box Plot

    • Use 3D Chart - displays data on a third, depth axis, such as a 3-D column, 3-D line, or 3-D surface chart to make it easier to understand.

    • Group by Count - The Group by Count clause will gather all of the rows together.

    • Use Custom Titles - Add custom X-Axis Titles and Y-Axis Titles.

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