Request A New Study in TrialKit

Request A New Study in TrialKit

  1. Fill out a Study Request Form (below)

  2. CDS will review the form and generate either a Proposal or a Software License Agreement (SLA), as indicated by Client Requestor.

  3. Client Requestor, with copy to additional Client key contacts and recipients as indicated on Request Form, will receive a link to the document via email.

    1. If Proposal, and it is acceptable to Client, CDS will then create an SLA.

  4. Once SLA has been generated,

    1. Client Requestor will complete all assigned fields, as required

    2. SLA will be automatically routed to next reviewer/signatory

    3. Upon client completion and signature, SLA will be automatically routed to CDS for countersignature

    4. Once fully executed, CDS will provision TrialKit study database in accordance with dates agreed to in executed SLA

    5. Prior to FPI, Client will move study to “Live” within TrialKit

If any help is needed after the SLA has been executed, contact CDS Support at support@trialkit.com or via the Help widget in TrialKit.


Study Request Form

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