International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Reference

International Classification of Diseases (ICD) Reference

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TrialKit provides a convenient method for referencing ICD diagnostic and procedure dictionaries directly from within data entry on forms. Terms and codes can be easily searched and auto-populated within a given text field on the form.

Accessing and Using the ICD search

If a form is configured by the designer for ICD capabilities, no other special permissions are needed for someone who needs access. Any field where ICD code and description is being requested will automatically open the ICD search window.

Search a term or code to see a list of filterable results:

Select any term to populate into the target field.

The popup window for searching results may vary depending on the dictionary version being used.


Alternatively, If ICD is enabled for the study, and fields on the form are not tied to the ICD dictionary, users can manually search via the button at the top of the form and then copy and paste the desired information into any text field on the form.


Configuring a form for ICD referencing

To enable ICD search-ability on any text or memo field, set the field’s type property to the necessary ICD version. This can be done on any text or memo field:


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