File Repository

File Repository

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The File Repository Manager is located under the Study menu based on the corresponding permission being granted.

This is where users with the appropriate role permission are able to centrally access all files (e.g. images, documents, media) which have been uploaded to all forms in the study, so should only be made accessible to users who are able to see study-wide data. 

This example describes various functions. See the annotation descriptions below the image.

  1. Filter options: Site, file name, form name where the file resides, number of rows to display in the table

  2. The type of form where the file exists: Subject, Site, or Study to correspond with Subject CRFs, Site documents, or study forms.

  3. Export options:

    1. Export to excel downloads the table shown

    2. Export to Zip to download the actual files from the list displayed in the table (described below)

Downloading files

Files can be downloaded either individually or in batch by site. 

  • The download icon in each row will download the individually named file with the format SiteName_SubjectID_FormName_FieldName_DateUploaded_FileName

  • To download a group of files at once, use the Export to Zip link on the right side of the page. It will only display if a site is selected in the filter at the top.

Due to the large possible file size, the system limits this action to downloading only one site at a time.


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