Enabling Add-On Modules

Enabling Add-On Modules

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The following outlines the steps required to request enablement of one of TrialKit’s many add-on modules. Select a module to skip to in the list below:

TrialKit Drive

  1. Complete an Add-On Enablement Form (below or via this link) for each study that you are requesting enablement for

  2. Select to enable TrialKit Drive

  3. Provide the following information:

    • Destination

      • SFTP / Google Bucket

    • Format

      • CSV / XML

    • Include Admin Site Data? Check for “Yes”, leave blank for “No”

    • Include Subject Email Address? Check for “Yes”, leave blank for “No”

    • Select the data listing(s) for TK Drive to automatically run:

      • Form Data with Medical Codes / Queries / Event Audit / Data Change Audit / Subject Status / Subject Visits / Site Progress / Sites and Users / Data Dictionary / Site Payments / Field Source Verification / Wearables Data / File Repository

    • Which study role should the exports be based on? Important: Data exports follow form view permissions and field blinding. Any sensitive data that you do not want transferred should be blinded to a user role, which will be used to configure the exports. The role defined will enforce and form view permissions and field blinding. This is to better control any sensitive data you might not want being transferred.

    • Overwrite previous data each day? Selecting "No" will create a new date stamp folder in your data storage each time the data is pushed. Normally, overwrites are selected here.

    • Once dictionary/ies has/have been enabled, you will be notified.

  4. Once TrialKit Drive has been enabled, you will be notified via the email address that was provided on the enablement form.

TrialKit Coder

  1. Complete an Add-On Enablement Form (below or via this link) for each study that you are requesting enablement for

  2. Select to enable TrialKit Coder

  3. Provide the following information:

    • Dictionary/ies to enable:

      • MedDRA / WHODrug / Both MedDRA and WHODrug

    • For MedDRA

      • MedDRA Version

      • MedDRA License

    • For WHODrug

      • WHODrug Version

      • WHODrug License

  4. Submit form

  5. Once dictionary/ies has/have been enabled, you will be notified via the email address that was provided on the enablement form.


Add-On Enablement Form


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