Record Status Report

The Record Status Report provides summary details regarding the status of all expected or saved scheduled forms, and all saved unscheduled forms across all subjects and visits.

Access: Visible to any user role that also has access to the Dashboard Report. Like the Dashboard report, it will only show data for sites to which the user belongs.

The following details are provided on each record:

  • Site - only one site may be filtered at a time

  • Subject - Subject or Participant ID

  • Subject Registration date - Date reflected from the subject's registration page

  • Visit - The visit name where the record is being collected, or Unscheduled

  • Visit window range - The high and low date range applicable to that visit. Unscheduled forms do not have windows

  • Form - Name of the form

  • Visit date - The date indicated on the form (defined by the study builder)

  • Form Status - System value for the record status (1 = saved, no errors; 2= saved w/errors)

  • Required - True/false based on if the form is required in the visit

  • TransID - Unique ID for the record

  • Record Status - Current status of the record: 

    • Missing - These are all required forms, both Expected or Past due. If the visit window is not yet passed, the days missing will display as a negative value.

    • Incomplete - Saved with errors/queries

    • Complete - Entered without open errors/queries

  • Days Missing - Number of days before (negative value) or after (positive value) the high range of the visit window. Only applicable to Missing Scheduled forms as described above. Once a missing form is entered, the days missing display no value.

  • Record ID - Unique to each version of the same record. This changes every time the same form is saved. TransID (above) does not change.

  • Date created - Date the record was initially entered (with or without errors)

  • The user who created the record

  • Date last updated - Date the record was last saved. Does not update with Monitoring or review.

  • The user who last updated the record

  • Number of locked fields - Applicable only to forms where field level is required during the review

  • Number of queries - Both form and field level queries that exist, open and closed

  • Review level dates and users 

This report is accessible if the user has permission to view the Dashboard Report, as it offers more details of the same information. It is also site-specific, so users will only see the data for the site(s) of which they are part. Regardless of how many sites a user belongs to, only one site can be viewed at a time. 

Reference the image below with annotations described below the image:

  1. Site filter. Only one site at a time can be filtered due to potential data volume

  2. Date range filter for scheduled visit low and high ranges. This is useful to quickly see which forms will be due in a specific time window

  3. Export currently filtered data to Excel

  4. Dynamic search. This text will search all main columns of the report

  5. Sort ascending/descending for each column

  6. Expand details - this will display many more details about the corresponding record

  7. Page through the data, or select the number of rows to display at the upper left corner of the table