PDF Exporting of Records and Complete Casebooks

There are multiple options for pulling PDF downloads of CRFs which have been entered on subjects. 

  • Download full subject casebook - all bookmarked CRFs entered for a specific subject - from the Subject Manager page

  • Download individually selected CRFs from within each subject's records page

  • Lastly, Study Administrators can Download multiple sites/subjects in batches, along with queries and audit trail details from the PDF export tool

The study Permission to Print PDFs is needed for the functions described below

Complete Casebook per Subject

There are two options on the Subject Manager subject listing:

  1. Download a single PDF file containing all CRFs entered on the corresponding subject

  2. Download a zip file folder containing separate files for each CRF entered on the corresponding subject. 

The same function is available on the mobile app:

When exporting from the iOS app, the file will be delivered to the iCloud TrialKit folder tied to the iCloud account of that device. 

If the resulting file shows the form going off the page, it's because the form has not been optimized for paper by the Study Administrator. This can be adjusted via the form’s Dots per inch form property.


Individual Records Within the Subject’s Casebook

On the web, Individual CRFs can be downloaded from the Scheduled visits dropdown view or the Longitudinal List


From the app, just open any form and tap the PDF icon at the top of the form.

The mobile app will currently print all content designed on the form - including conditionally hidden fields and blinded fields. If Studies have blinded fields, it is recommended that access to printing PDFs is denied to those user roles which are blinded.


Exporting the Casebooks For Batches of Subjects

Administrators with access can download all PDFs for multiple sites and subjects via the CRF Export tool.

Content of the Files Exported

Each Form within a file will contain a header to indicate key information, including:

  • Site

  • Subject ID

  • Form name

  • Visit Name (if applicable)

  • Record ID - as seen in the data exports and on screen when a form is opened. This is unique for each record within a given study

  • Date - visit date from the form

  • Current status

Navigation is made simple by the PDF index, which is usually found on the left of native browser viewers. With the index, its simple to jump to specific visits and forms. Zipped PDFs will not contain an index because each file is a separate form contained in a downloaded folder.

Exported PDFs will only contain the form data. Any details regarding audit trails and queries on the page will only be included if the PDFs are exported from the CRF Export tool.


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