Monitor Report

Monitor Report

The Monitor Report is a useful working report designed for monitors to use in tracking what is awaiting or has been monitored. It's especially helpful for studies where two passes are being done on records, referred to as a "soft" review


The report shows lists of records that:

  • Are ready for review

  • Have been either Monitored (first workflow level) or initially verified

  • Have been changed since initial verification, depending on site permissions to do so

  • Records ready for final review/lock

There are also several filters so Monitors can produce lists of what needs to be monitored or the work they have done during specified time periods. Those lists can also be exported to Excel using the TrialKit mobile app.

If the user has the appropriate permission to access this report, it's found under the reports menu.

After opening, a table with filters will display all corresponding records.


From the app, its found in the Reports tab from the navigation menu:


For more granular details of fields which have been locked within each page, see the FLSV (field lock) Report


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