Scheduled Visits

Scheduled Visits

This article will describe how to access any records on scheduled visits

After opening a subject’s records (i.e. casebook), you will have access to the various types of forms.


  1. Switch to Drop Down View (Link to change views). The view is shown here (Grid View) allows you to see all forms collected across all scheduled visits. For faster page loading times, use the drop-down view as shown in the second image below.

  2. The target date for the interval. If this date depends on a previous interval occurring first, it will say "TDB"

  3. The time window for the interval. If this date depends on a previous interval occurring first, it will indicate "Awaiting <Visit Name>"

  4. Select these icons to open the corresponding form. An icon key can be viewed at the right of the screen. The date displayed for each is the date entered on the form.

The drop-down view allows you to focus on one visit/interval at a time. It also allows for faster page loading times on a browser. See below

  1. Select this link to switch back to the grid view, as displayed in the image above.

  2. Select a visit to review.

  3. Select these icons to open the corresponding form.


  1. Select the desired visit. Enter an interval date if applicable. Otherwise, the date can be entered on each CRF.

  2. Select the desired form - The date displayed is either the date on the record (existing records) or the target date for the current interval (new/un-entered records). 

  3. Access Unscheduled visits, dependent on study design

  4. Access Log Forms - Forms that can be entered at any point in time. Common examples include Adverse Events, Protocol Deviations, and Concomitant Medications

  5. Open complete longitudinal list of CRFs entered so far for the current subject.

  6. Tap the upper right corner icon to view the status icon legend


Also read about the Unscheduled Visit and Log Form, or how to complete Entering Records.

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