eDiary Report

eDiary Report

The eDiary Report is a listing of all records saved and which diary configuration each record is a part of. The reason being that Form “A” could be part of a diary deploying weekly, but also part of another diary configuration in the same study deploying daily. To tell the difference between which scenario Form “A” was collected, the eDiary Report can be very helpful.

It also allows for re-assigning existing records to other diary configurations.

Access to this report is determined by the user role having access to the study configuration and the study also being enabled for ePRO.

The report can be accessed via the Reports menu on the app:


The resulting table can be exported to Excel or PDF via iCloud on iOS, or via Excel on Android.

To re-assign any existing records to other diaries, simply tap and choose which diary to re-assign the record to.


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