Changing the Study Status

Changing the Study Status

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Study Status is used to control site record entries for provider sites. This is done from the right side of the Study Configuration page.

Before making changes to study status, be sure to understand the difference between Provider sites and Administrative sites.

  1. Studies can be set with the following statuses:

  • In Development - When a new study is created, its status will be "In Development." Subjects can be enrolled and tested from any Administrative site. Note, once a study has been moved lived, it will not be able to go back to In Development unless the study status is reset.

  • Live - When the study is Live, any site can enroll new subjects as long as IRB approval and site documents are completed, if those are being enforced in the study design.

Only production (licensed) studies can be moved to Live status.

  • Suspended - This option will not appear unless the study is live. Suspending a study can be done at any time to temporarily close the study. During this time, provider sites will be unable to enroll new subjects or edit existing subject records. 

This option is not necessary to perform a study update. Study version control allows you to make changes and validate while the existing study continues to be active.

  • Locked - When a study is Locked, provider sites cannot enroll new subjects or create new records for existing subjects after the lock date. Using this option is a good way to shut down a study but still allow sites to complete data entry on existing records and perform a review on existing data. 

  • Completed - When a study is completed or closed, provider sites cannot enter any data. All records are read-only. Completed studies cannot be switched back to live.

After selecting a new status, enter a reason (required), and select the "Change Study Status" button.

Tap Here to Reset Study Status and Start Over - Study Status is used to control record entry for provider sites. There may be testing scenarios where a study builder wishes to clear all the data and reset the study status.

Tap Here to Remove All Study Data - Removing study data of any kind can be a risk if not careful.  This allows you to remove all data from the study's database. It comes in handy when testing a study and you need to get rid of test data and start clean.

Save New Status - Be sure to save status when editing or creating a new status

Done - Hit the Done button to return to the Define Study Behavior form.

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