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Form Libraries are used to store forms in the cloud that are created in the Form Builder application. Forms stored in the Form Library can be used across all hosts and studies that you are a part of.
The Form Library Manager allows users with the appropriate permissions the ability to add new form library, edit, and delete libraries.
Add Form Library To create a new Form Library, select the “Form Library Manager…” link from the Website Host menu as shown in the figure below.
This opens the Form Library Manager page shown in the figure below. The page contains the Current Form Libraries data table which lists all of the Current Form Libraries in the System and the Add New Form Library form.
To Add (a) New Form Library (Create):
Click in the Name field and type in a New Form Library Name.
Click the Availability drop-down and select Private within Sponsor (the only choice). Specific forms can be imported and exported (shared between studies or with other TrialKit users) using the controls in the Form Builder application accessed from either the Website Host or Study menus. (See the Form Builder - Importing Forms and Form Builder - Exporting Forms help documents for further information.)
Click the Save Form Library button.
After clicking the Save Form Library button the New Library populates the Current Form Libraries data table as shown in the figure below.
Within this Library, the user can save all the forms that pertain to the Website Host as well as the Studies that will be conducted under this Website Host. There is no limit to the number of libraries in the system.
To Edit a Form Library: Click on the editable field and make the necessary changes. To save the changes click the Update control. To cancel any changes made simply click the Cancel control as shown in the figure below.
To Delete a Form Library:
Click on the the link and the will be deleted from the library.
Please note you must have proper rights to do as Edit and delete are can be controlled by rights manager.
The image library allows users to upload and store images for the purpose of utilizing them with specific form objects in the form builder:
Image labels
Sketch pads
It supports both png and jpg formatted image files.
Images stored here serve as a library across all studies within the host account. Deleting an image from the image library that is currently being used on forms within two different studies will remove that image from the forms on both studies.
Access to manage the image library is based on access to the form library. It can be accessed under the Host settings on both the web and the mobile app.
The iOS mobile app only allows access to the iCloud files tied to the device. To Load images into iCloud, open the iCloud app on the device (iOS only). Open the TrialKit folder within iCloud. The folder named “FB_Image” within the TrialKit folder is where files must be saved so the File list in the image above can access them for uploading into the TrialKit Library.