Completing Forms - Study Participants

Completing Forms - Study Participants

Home Screen

Once you are signed in, depending on the platform used (Android, iOS, or Web) the app will open to a home screen with access to any forms which are currently due to fill out.

For help with issues related to what is currently due for completion, read here.



Android mobile app:


iOS mobile app:



If any forms are currently due, they will either be visible on the main screen or accessible via the “Show My Forms” button. If you receive a prompt regarding consent, read the Consent section below.

As forms become due, you will receive reminders via email and push notifications.

Here’s an example of a form on the web, but note that every study will have different content to complete:


Current Forms List - Accessing Forms That Are Due

Forms displayed in your list will contain the name of the form, the study its for, the name of the diary its part of, and the window of time that its available.

Once a form is saved it will be removed from the list if there are no errors to address. If there are errors, it will only remain available for completion for a specified window based on the rules set by the Study Administrator.



If consent is required for the study you are participating in, a prompt will display to indicate the consent form must be completed first.

To provide consent, tap the Consent option. Once completed, you may receive an email verification with attached documents if the study is configured to provide that.


Revoking Your Consent To A Study

If available, some studies may allow for revoking consent from the app. This can be done via the Icon at the top of the consent form:

To revoke consent, a reason will be requested. Simply enter a reason and tap "Revoke Consent". This will disable any further data entry until consent is provided again.


Accessing Past Forms

If the study has made this option available, there will be a menu option “My Completed Forms”. This allows access to forms that have been saved in the past for reference or updating.


For help at anytime, tap the help icon on the screen.


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