Items Due for Completion - Form Availability and FAQs

Items Due for Completion - Form Availability and FAQs

If you received a notification for something due, when signing into the app and viewing the list of available tasks, you should see at least one item due for completion. If nothing displays in the list, there is nothing due for completion.


TrialKit Support can assist with technical issues when using the app or website, but is unable to help with most study specific questions such as the availability of forms that are due for completion. Continue reading on common questions and how to get help with those.

I received a notification, but nothing is available when I sign in.

There are two possibilities in this scenario.

  1. The form or action item has expired based on how it’s been configured by the Study Administrator.

  2. Some studies will utilize external notification methods which are not necessarily following form delivery in TrialKit.

What to do: Contact your Study Coordinator to inquire about a form that may have been missed due to expiration. If the system is incorrectly sending notifications, they should escalate that issue to the Study Administrator for correction.

Contact TrialKit support if you need assistance in finding who to contact for your specific study.


The notification I received does not tell me anything.

Notifications are configured by the Study Administrator.

What to do: Please escalate this through your Study Coordinator so it can be corrected. Contact TrialKit support if you need assistance in finding who to contact for your specific study.


I’m supposed to fill a form out, but don’t see anything in my list.

This means nothing is currently open to fill out. The form could have expired already or there is nothing you need to fill out at this time.

What to do: For questions about activities to complete, please contact your Study Coordinator. Contact TrialKit support if you need assistance in finding who to contact for your specific study.


Why Do I still get notifications for a study that I am no longer part of?

This means the Study Coordinator has not correctly removed your participation status. You can contact them directly to get that done.

Contact TrialKit support if you need assistance in finding who to contact for your specific study.

Avoid unsubscribing from email notifications if possible. This will make it so you don’t get pertinent notifications if applicable in the future.

If you believe you are receiving notifications erroneously, please contact the appropriate personnel that helped you get registered in the study. If you need help finding who that is, you may ask the TrialKit technical support desk


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