What is a Website Host?

What is a Website Host?

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A Website Host is created every time someone registers for an account. Each account is capable of hosting multiple independently-operated studies under its umbrella. The Website Host account owner is the person who registered for the account. However, ownership of an account can easily be passed off to another person or entity at any time. Additionally, a Website Host can be controlled by any number of users who have been provided the access rights to do so by the owner of the account.

Put another way, a Website Host is merely a stand-alone website. That website will host (or administer) the studies which are built on it. 

Does that mean the studies are connected? 

No. Two studies under a single host are just as independent as two studies each under their own host. The advantage of housing studies under a single host account is the ease with which eCRF forms can be copied and shared across studies. One-stop shopping!

Most users will never need to register for TrialKit. Those users include roles such as Data Managers, Coordinators, and Study Monitors. Users who serve under these types of roles are added to a host account by a Website Host Administrator of their respective study. 

Once a user is added to a study by a Website Host Administrator, they will receive an email with their user ID, temporary password, and a link to TrialKit. Clicking the link will open TrialKit and prompt the user to change their temporary password to one of their own choosing. The new user can begin using TrialKit for the study to which they were added.

Each TrialKit user has a unique username (email) and password. To maintain the security and integrity of TrialKit, login credentials should never be shared with other users.

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