Creating Administrative/Validation Copies of Live Studies

Creating Administrative/Validation Copies of Live Studies

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Once your Host and Study have been assigned to you and you have built your study, you are allowed one administrative (testing) copy of every production study you have in your host.

Fill in the fields and create your study!

The red outlined box above are detailed as follows:

  1. Study Name - Add in the Study Name

  2. Sponsor Name - This is merely a label for your own reference in identifying the study.

  3. Default Study: Allows you to pick one of your built studies duplicate!

    1. Copy Sites and Users from Default Study can be included.

    2. Copy Subject data from Default Study can be included.

  4. Create your study! - This will initiate the system to build your new study database.

  5. Optional: The Download Study Worksheet link is a study worksheet to document your study as its built. This serves as a great tool for study building traceability or sign-offs.

Read this article to find out what your new study consists of.

What to do next?

Consider using your new study as a base template and make another copy to work with. Whatever you do, here's a guide you can use to begin configuring your study.

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