Health and Activity Data Overview

Health and Activity Data Overview

TrialKit can be used to automatically collect health and activity data from participant users within TrialKit ePRO studies where the Participants are using an Apple smartphone with their Health App enabled to collect data from any supported wearable device. Support for Google Fit and Android-based wearables are coming soon!

If the study is already setup to use ePRO, adding health data collection is very simple. Access the configuration option highlighted below (iOS app only):

The resulting list will contain all available health and activity tests which can be enabled to automatically appear for Participant users when they sign in on their TrialKit mobile app.

If at least one of the activities is enabled, Participant users will see this below when signed in:

When tapped, the app will collect the corresponding activity data for the last two weeks time. Administrators can then filter for specific dates needed from the Activity data exports.

Read more here on how Participants interact with the app to send activity data.


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