What’s New or Updated
ID | Functional Area | Description | Impact/Risk | Includes Web- services |
1071 | Form Rendering | Image labels now support object set without an image - for use in form object spacing | Low | |
385 | User Interface | Role switching permission now hides the patient role as an option for the user | Low | |
531 | Action Items Report | Updated table to display more data. Added option to rebuild list so users can get the current/updated list of missing visits. | Low | X |
78 | Action Items Report | Records flagged for change reason: Updated table to display more information for each record | Low | X |
688 | Action Items Report | Records with open queries: Updated table to show more data | Low | X |
80 | Action Items Report | Review level tables: Updated table to display more information for each record | Low | X |
698 | Form Rendering | Added Georgian language to supported language list | Low | |
395 | Audit Reports | Field Change Audit Report: Added Record ID to the report for more detail in identifying repeating records | Low | X |
1385 | Form Building | Removed max length setting for email type fields. Defaults to 100 characters. | Low | |
1140 | Form Building | Image Labels can be made to not include a border (new field property), for the purpose of using an image label as a spacer in the form layout | Low | |
310 | Subject ePRO | The visit date on ePRO forms now only autofills the user's current date+time if its a new form. Re-opening an existing record will retain the original date/time. | Low | |
1435 | Subject ePRO | Added email verification for participants signing up on public registries | Low | X |
1434 | Subject ePRO | Added Participant option to sign up for public registries which are now defined within the Study Manager | Low | X |
1316 | User and Site Management | Patient emails are now hidden | Low | X |
296 | Study Configuration | When a visit name is changed in one visit cohort which also exists in other cohorts, the same visit in other cohorts will also be updated to match. | Low | X |
254 | Study Configuration | Study Manager now allows for opening a study for public participant enrollment (see item #1434) | Low | X |
394 | Audit Reports | Added Record ID to the Transaction Audit Report | Low | X |
Bug Fixes
ID | Functional Area | Fixed issue | Impact/Risk | Includes Web- services |
1438 | Form Saving | Populate Conditions were not functioning if the field being populated was blinded to the saving user | Low | |
1357 | Form Building | When creating child forms, field blinding had to be reset if it was being used on the parent form. Not anymore. | Low | X |
1384 | Data Management/Monitoring Reports | Consent Report was not showing column headers in light mode | Low | |
1381 | Form Saving | If a form tab is conditionally hidden, edit checks were still running on that tab | Low | |
1386 | Subject ePRO | Subject list of completed forms was not displaying records if more than one form was being collected | Low | X |
1401 | Form Building | Editing query deployment on edit checks was not enabling the save button | Low | |
1299 | Form Building | Checkbox field with embedded text label now automatically adjusts width based on text length | Low | |
1415 | Form Building | Copy and paste of conditional actions dropped choice field criteria at the destination field | Low | |
1419 | Query Management | Query override on edit checks was still displaying queries to the default distribution | Low | |
1043 | Query Management | Query email notifications were not being triggered when queries were manually added via the app | Low | X |
1391 | ePRO/eDiary Configurations | Event driven diary types were not enforcing the max forms value that was set based on the diary configuration | Low | X |
616 | Form Building | Visit based expressions within conditional actions would not work if the expression was built on the web and the selected visit existed only in one out of many cohorts | Low |