Form Data Exports - Extract All Study Data

Form Data Exports - Extract All Study Data

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This document will explain how to export or download all Subject and Site/Study-related form data collected within TrialKit.

Access and Properties

If permission has been granted, the “Extract All Study Data” option is accessed from the Data Export menu:


Field blinding is enforced in the data outputs, based on the user role executing the export.

If the user accessing the exports is a site level user, the date exported will only be for the site(s) they belong to, or a single site can be selected to export. This saves needing to filter out that site’s data across every data set.

The following screen of options is seen when exporting all data.

From this screen, choose which data to include in the exported file(s). Here is a description of each option:

Include Archived Records

Archived records are past versions of records over time as data changes were made and records were resaved by users.

Include Deleted Records

Records that have been deleted from the study can still be accessed in the exports

Include Draft Records

Draft records are non-final versions of a record. This depends on the study function of draft saving having been enabled.

Include Administrative Site  Records

Check this to INCLUDE admin site data in export.  This is good for testing and validation.

Split Date fields into 3 parts

This option will take any date field and create three separate columns of data with "FIELDNAME_day", "FIELDNAME_month",  and "FIELDNAME_year"

Use Labels as Headers

This will use the reporting label for each field - defined in the form builder - in place of the default field name.


It is necessary to select which version of the study to export. If multiple sites/subjects are on different versions, they will need to be exported separately. The reason exports are separated by version, is due to the extensive study design changes that can be made from one version to the next. Combining versions into a single export would lead to an inaccurate reflection of data.

Export Formats

Background versus Direct Download

These options will produce the same results. The only difference is how they get processed.

Direct Download will require the user to wait for the file to process while the status bar indicates progress. Once complete it will automatically download. Navigating away from the screen will stop the export.

The background option is helpful for larger data volumes to avoid waiting on the screen for the download to finish. You can return later on to the background exports screen to retrieve the file.


The CDISC ODM (Operational Data Model) XML is a Snapshot format that supports version 1.3 of the specification as published in http://www.cdisc.org. There are 3 options for the ODM export in TrialKit: Metadata Only export, the Data Only export, and Metadata and Data in one file export.

Metadata Only Export

The Metadata Only export defines events, forms, and questions that make up a study.  The metadata can be downloaded by clicking on the Click here to Export Metadata to ODM link as shown in the figure below.

Data Only Export

The Data Only export provides a data transport and storage mechanism for the actual clinical data as entered in the CRFs. The data can be downloaded by clicking on the Click Here to Export Data To ODM link as shown in the figure below.

Metadata and Data Export

The Metadata and Data export option combine both the Metadata and Data in one ODM export file. The data can be the system's unique file ID that is also seen in the file repository, to help with identifying files.



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