When a New Label is dragged into the Form Builder body/grid, the Text Editor pop up window will display allowing the Label Text to be entered.
Properties specific to text labels:
A label can be related to a specific data field, which will allow for the label to be hidden when a hide conditional action is added to the label’s associated field. The label associated to a field will be displayed as the data field's label in the data extracts if the data field does not have its own reporting label.
Include in Export
Allows the label to be exported in the data extracts.
Several properties can be adjusted and set for help buttons, the key factor being what displays on the screen when the user taps the button.
Properties specific to help buttons
Report Label
The text which displays on the help button itself
Display Consent PDF
Enabling this will map the button to the consent PDF defined within the Informed consent configuration settings. Usually mapped to the site-specific Informed Consent document that has been upload in the Site Documents Section.
Note |
The uploaded Informed Consent document that you upload in the site documents must not have any spaces within the file name. |
Webpage URL
Opens a specific webpage for the user. Read how to create custom web pages within the system to create links to. Note, custom pages will be publicly accessible (do not require sign in) for anyone with the URL.
Quick Help Text
Opens a window with help text for the user to read
Once the normalized table is created, users can single click on the table to activate the properties panel. The properties for a normalized table are below.
Properties specific to normalized tables:
Select this to open up the list of field types which are included in the table, or drag out new field types to add
To edit the fields defined in a normalized table, click the View/Edit link. This link opens the normalized table’s Fields Definition dialog. The Fields Definition dialog allows the user to add Form Fields, Properties, and Type in Column Headers for a Normalized Table.
Maximum Rows
Will set the maximum number of rows that can be added to each defined normalized table. The maximum is 100 rows per table.
Report Name
Users enter names for each table to help identify the table when extracting data. For example, a user could enter Medications Table to signify that the information collected in this table contains Medications.
Fixed Rows
Users may want to have a normalized table that has a fixed and required number of rows. The fixed rows attribute allows the user to define a normalized table that has a fixed number of rows. The table determines how many fixed rows to have by the first column in the table.
When a text field is dragged and dropped into the form builder workspace or an existing text field is selected, the text properties appear in the toolbox as shown below. Text fields are designed to store single or multiple lines of alphanumeric text (unless a Field Mask is defined as discussed below).
Properties specific to text fields:
Maximum Length
The Maximum Length field allows the Form Designer to set the maximum number of characters allowed in the field. If the Maximum length is not defined, the default length is 10 characters. To designate a Maximum Length for the field, simply enter the desired number of characters for the field to accept.
Field Mask
The Field Mask allows the Form Designer to set a pattern of how the text should appear in the field when the data needs to be entered in a certain way.
For example, to create a text field to capture a telephone number, set the Maximum Length to 14. Then, set the mask so that the code appears as a telephone number (###-###-####). When a telephone number is entered in the form, only the numbers and not the dashes will need to be entered.
If the intention is simply to populate a text field fully, when the user does not need to enter any text of their own, field masking should not be used. The suggested method in that case is to use a text label and set the label to be included in the data exports.
Special Type
The Special Type dropdown control allows users to designate the field for a special purpose including:
The Memo Properties enable the Form Designer to define how the memo field will be configured to capture the desired information. When a Memo form field is dragged and dropped onto the Form Builder body/grid, the Memo Properties appear in the Toolbox as shown in the figure below.
Properties specific to memo fields:
Maximum Length
The Maximum Length property allows the Form Designer to set the maximum number of characters allowed in the field. The system default is 3,000 characters. To set a different limit up to 10,000 characters, enter a value in the Maximum Length property.
The Email Address Field is a text field designed to store text formatted as an email. Only syntactically correct email addresses are accepted in the field when the form is completed.
When an Email Address form field is dragged and dropped onto the Form Builder body/grid, the Email Address Properties appear in the Toolbox as shown in the figure below.
Properties specific to email address fields
Special Type
The special type selected here is Subjects Email.
Mask E-Mail
By checking this, the email will be masked on the interface in all areas.
Properties specific to email address fields
Special Type
The special type selected here is Subjects Email.
Mask E-Mail
By checking this, the email will be masked with hidden characters when typing within the form.
Barcode (App Only)
Barcode scanner is a text field with access to open a camera (when completed via the mobile app). When the camera is opened, it will scan for one of 21 different barcode or QR types to pull the text automatically into the data field. Additionally, FDA device registry data can be automatically pulled into other fields on the same form if applicable.
To add a barcode field to a form, use the Barcode field within the mobile app form builder or a text field on the web form builder (with special property type “Barcode”)
Placing special type bar code scanning field steps. See figure below:
Select text field from the form properties area of toolbox
Drag field on form and add proper label
Name the field and reporting label
Set field length to proper length to fit in entire bar code. Default is 10.
Select Special Type field called Bar code (Mobile) from drop-down selection
Click the Save Form button
Here is an example of a form that collects a barcode value. On the TrialKit mobile app, users can directly scan barcodes into the form by tapping the barcode icon at the right side of the field.
Once a barcode is scanned, in addition to auto-filling the barcode field, the system can instantly access the FDA device registry to auto-fill other device-related data. An example is shown here:
To auto-fill device data from the FDA's database, the following field naming conventions must be used, where the items below need to be appended to the end of each of the corresponding fields:
Number Types
Number fields store numerical values. Both decimals and whole numbers are supported. Which numerical format is accepted is determined by the Number Properties selected for the Number field.
When a Number field is dragged and dropped onto the Form Builder body/grid, the Number Properties (labeled #1 in the figure below) will appear in the Toolbox.
Properties specific to number fields
Maximum Length
The Maximum Length field allows the Form Designer to set the maximum number of numbers allowed in the field. If the Maximum length property is not defined, the default length is 6 numbers. To designate a Maximum Length for the field, simply enter a value in the maximum length property.
Decimal Places
The Decimal places field allows the Form Designer to define the number of places accepted after a decimal. For example: To set the number field to display 23.46, the Maximum length should be 5 and the Decimal places would be 2. If the Decimal Place property is not defined - the field defaults to zero.
Special Type - Horizontal Slider (Mobile)
Used to provide end-users the ability to slide an indicator on a horizontal slider. This is set on numeric fields only and can be used effectively on pain scale forms.
Slider (Horizontal Slider) - App Only
When a Drop Down form field is dragged and dropped onto the Form Builder body/grid, the Drop Down Properties appear in the Toolbox as shown in the figure below.
Properties specific to Dropdown fields
Field Choices
The Field Choices dialog box allows the Form Designer to input a list of choices in the Dropdown field.
Note |
Important: The value must be a non-negative number starting with zero. No other limits exist regarding the order or sequence they must follow. These values can also be used in scoring scenarios where multiple different choice fields are factors in a computation somewhere else. |
Batch Importing Coded Choices
Choices can also be imported in bulk if there are many to create. This is done via a 2-column CSV file. Read more here.
Special Type
Used to map the choices to one of the following:
Country List
Language List
Visit Interval
Medical Coding attributes
Local labs
These are similar to dropdown fields described above, but allow the user to see all choices on screen rather than first tapping to see all choices.
Properties specific to Radio fields
The Orientation dropdown control allows the Form Designer to select how the Radio Group Field Choices will display on the form. The Orientation dropdown choices are shown in the figure below:
This is the date field that the system will use to calculate visits or date windows as needed.
Properties specific to Date/Time fields
Date/Time Type (TIme Control)
None - (Time only) Only the date will be entered by the user. This will need to be a complete date. If the user deletes a part of the date, the system will auto-fill it to make it a real date. This is the most common option used.
When a Checkbox form field is dragged and dropped onto the Form Builder body/grid, the Checkbox Properties appear in the Toolbox as shown in the figure below.
Properties specific to Checkbox fields
Applicable for studies using eConsent, but where some patients in the study are providing consent via any other means.
Select this option for one checkbox on the form if the form where the checkbox resides is the registration form for the study. The system will use this to check if the patient should be forced to consent electronically or if consent is being provided another way (checkbox gets checked on the registration form for that patient).